The trainer in labortory with professor oaks for selecting starter pokemon.

Starter Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion 2024

Here you get a complete guide about how to get starter Pokemon in the game. Pokemon Infinite Fusion is basically a combination of new and classic Pokemon worlds. It is an exciting fan-made game.


In Pokemon Infinite Fusion, we start our adventurous journey from Pallet Town, where we met Professor Oak. He is a famous Pokemon professor who is well known for giving the first Pokémon to the trainers. In the laboratory of Professor Oak, you have to select one starter Pokemon from three Kanto region Pokemon:

  • Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison type)
  • Charmander (Fire type)
  • Squirtle (Water type)

Bulbasaur: It is a grass/poison-type Pokémon, which is suitable for those who want to win battles with status effects. At level 16, it transforms into an Ivysaur, and at level 32, it becomes a Venusaur. With abilities like SolarBeam and Sludge Bomb, it becomes a formidable force. It effectively works the game on water and rock-type Pokemon.

Charmander: If you have a really aggressive approach in battles, then obviously Charmander is for you. It has fire-type moves like flamethrower in Pokemon Infinite. At the next level, it evolves into Charmeleon at 16 level and Charizard at 36 level, which gives versatility.

In a defensive playstyle, Squirtle is a good choice as it has strong defense. It is a water-type Pokémon that is suitable on fire and rock types. It evolves into Wartortle at 16 level and Blastoise at 36 level, which will be able to use Hydro Pump and Ice Beam moves. And remember, Blastoise has excellent durability and is a reliable partner in this adventurous journey.

Moreover, the professor teaches the fusion mechanism. And your journey starts from now! And when you enter the Johto region, you can get starter Pokemon from Professor Elm in New Bark Town. 

Chikorita is the ideal choice for trainers who want to play in a supportive style. It has Grass-type power with access to moves like Reflect, Light Screen, and Synthesis. It evolves into Bayleef at level 16 and Meganium at level 32, which becomes a solid team in the Pokemon world.

Like Charmander in the Kanto region, Cyndaquil has an equivalent and great choice of players in the fusion world. It has strong fire-type moves like Ember and Flame Wheel that are suitable for handling bug and ice-type attacks. It evolves into Quilava and Typhlosion at the 14th and 36th levels, respectively.

Totodile in Johto is a Water-type starter Pokemon with a focus on physical attacks, which makes it different from others. It has water-type moves like Water Gun and Bite, which gives advantages over fire, ground, and rock types. When it evolves into Croconaw and Feraligatr, it becomes a powerhouse of strong moves with attacks on opponents.

List of Starter Pokemon in Region

The best part of this fusion game is that here you will get not only the starter of the Kanto region but also other regions are also included:

  • Kanto (Gen 1): Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
  • Johto (Gen 2): Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile

Step-by-Step Process to get Starter Pokemon

  • First of all, explore route number 2 that is above on Viridian City.
  • You have to make some special moves to catch starter Pokemon, like HMs.
  1. Cut: For cutting trees
  2. Surf: Swimming on water
  3. Rock Climb: For climbing on the walls (but remember that you can get this move during gameplay)
  • Find the hidden path and use your moves to enter the hidden forest. Here you find a wall when you enter this forest.
  • After that, in the forest, a path from the south side reached the Viridian River. After reaching the river, you have to use your surf move to cross water and focus on the sound of Pokémon. If sounds come, that means another starter Pokemon is nearby. Remember that Pokémon have the ability to swap (suddenly appear).

Bonus: Mew (Legendary Pokemon)

It is a bonus for players to find new Pokemon in the Viridian River. It is difficult to do. Here are the tips to find it.

  • First of all, you have to have at least 10 karma points.
  • Mew doesn’t spawn as it appears in an overworld encounter.
  • Tick and enter on the map till it does not appear.
  • According to game mechanics, when we reach Viridian River or Hidden Forest, you already have starter Pokémon, which you obtain from Professor Oaks. It is your first team member who is helpful in battles. If you want a specific Pokemon, like Mudkip or another, you have to have patience and repeatedly enter on the map until your desired Pokémon spawns.

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