The Adventurous World of Viridian City in Pokemon Fusion Game
After leaving Pallet Town, players enter Viridian City, in Kanto region, bidding farewell to Route 1. At first glance, this city may appear ordinary, but it plays a significant role in the Pokemon world. Here, players will have their first experiences with key gameplay elements and encounter various Pokemon.
The pokemon infinite fusion is provide to players unlimited fusions in the game. Players move step by step towards different cities for adventure. The viridian city is one of them. In this city, one of the initial tasks players undertake is delivering Professor Oak’s parcel, a crucial step to progressing the storyline. As players advance further in the game, the importance of this city becomes increasingly evident. While it may seem simple at first, this city holds many mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Let’s take a closer look at the important events and features that players will experience at this city.
Blocked Routes on the Way to Viridian City
While navigating city, players will encounter blocked paths. The western path leading to Route 22 and the northern path leading to Route 2 are both inaccessible. To remove these blockages, players must deliver the parcel to Professor Oak. To get the parcel, players need to visit the Poké Mart cashier in this city. After receiving the parcel, return to Professor Oak’s laboratory in Pallet Town and hand it over to him. Once this task is completed, the blocked paths will be cleared, enabling you to continue your journey.
City Gyms
The city gym remains blocked for a long time. To unlock it, players must first defeat Team Rocket on Mt. Ember, a task that comes later in the game. Once this is accomplished, the Viridian Gym will be unlocked. Players will then be eligible to battle the gym leader, Giovanni, who specializes in ground-type Pokémon. Players will be challenged by the tough battles and obstacles they encounter in this adventurous city.
Players can get many items while in this city. They can find on-ground items while walking around and can purchase healing and strengthening items from the Poké Mart. Players have the option to collect extra items to help with battles and improve their progress while completing different tasks.
Pokemart Items
The Poké Mart has different items that players can get in this city. While in the Poké Mart, players can usually purchase these items:
- Ground Gem (₽200): A special item that powers up ground-type moves once during battle.
- Bug Gem (₽200): Similar to the Ground Gem, this powers up Bug-type moves once during battle.
- Heal Ball (₽300): A Pokeball that not only catches Pokemon but also heals them fully upon capture.
- Magenta Balls: Magenta Item Balls are special items that players can collect. The special thing about these items is that they respawn after being taken. They will reappear after a certain period of time, but only after midnight. Players can get them again after some time has passed. These balls help players on their journey and are useful for catching powerful Pokemon.
On-Ground Items
Players may get essential and valuable items if they closely check the things scattered around. Let’s take a look at what players can find on the ground while walking.
- TM08 Bulk Up: Found on higher ground near the entrances to Route 22 and Route 1. This move increases a Pokémon’s Attack and Defense stats, making them stronger in battles.
- Bright Powder: Located near the Viridian River. This item makes it harder for opponents to hit your Pokemon during battles.
- Revive: Found on the ground inside the Viridian Gym. It brings a fainted Pokémon back to life with half its maximum health.
Special Quests and Rewards
Players can get special items instantly by performing certain tasks and events:
- Wooden Planks: These are given by a worker after accepting and completing the quest called Building Materials.
- Earth Plate: Found in the northeast area behind the Viridian Gym. However, you need to catch the legendary Pokémon Arceus to access this reward.
Remix Mode
Remix mode is a new, exciting thing in this city. In the city gym, remix mode is all about Normal-type Pokemon. New gamers may find this innovative, but they will definitely enjoy the charisma of this mode. This means the trainers in the gym will use Pokémon that are Normal-type or a mix of Normal-type with other Pokémon.
The trainers and their Pokémon in Remix Mode are different from the regular game. Instead of ground-type Pokemon, the trainers and gym leader use new Pokémon combinations like Unpom (a mix of Unown and Aipom) or Miligon (a mix of Miltank and Flygon). These battles are a bit harder because normal-type Pokémon can use different kinds of moves, which makes them tricky to beat.
This mode makes the game more fun and gives players a new challenge. You will need to think carefully and use smart strategies to defeat the trainers and the gym leader in remix mode.
Pokemon Encounters
Players may encounter wild Pokemon during their journey, and they can use Pokeballs to catch them and add them to their team. If a Pokemon is hard to catch, players can use better Pokeballs like Great Balls or Ultra Balls. You can also weaken the Pokémon by using your Pokémon’s moves. It will be simpler to capture wild Pokemon when they are weak or asleep.
You can also trade Pokémon with others. For example, you can trade a Spearow to get a bellsprout. Remember that getting new Pokemon that you might not find easily can be done through trading.
Tips for Beginners
Beginners just need to follow these tips to excel in the game in an accurate manner:
- Always watch out for items on your way, such as those in the PokeMart or on the ground.
- Try to complete each task and quest, as they may provide you with powerful Pokémon.
- Use your strong Pokémon against trainers, like using Fire-type Pokémon to fight Water-type Pokémon.
- Always interact with NPCs, as they can help you a lot.
In this blog, complete overview presented on Viridian City. It is a hub of different items and Pokemon. Tasks and quests in the game make players more energetic and engaged. Trainers try to create tough challenges for the players, but it helps them increase their battling experience. The city has great scenery; it may be simple, but it is profound in competitions.