Shiny Gardevoir | Everything You Need to Know | Pokemon Infinite Fusion
Shiny Gardevoir is a rare and precious variant of Gardevoir. Gardevoir, a fairy/psychic-type Pokemon, first seen in Generation 3. It has a gown-like body and appears to take inspiration from a ballroom dancer. It has been a popular destination for most trainers.
The world of Pokemon Infinite Fusion offers another shiny Pokemon. There are some differences between the regular and shiny versions. Regular Gardevoir has a whitish body and green hair. On the other hand, the Shiny one has blue hair and a white body. The shiny form gives it a sleek look and a more sensual appeal. This is the main distinction between an ordinary and rare Gardevoir.
Through Ralts and Kirlia
Getting the shiny Pokemon Gardevoir is a very patience-required task. You need to be very attentive and have to search all the way. There are several ways to locate the Shiny Pokemon Gardevoir. Find Shiny Ralts or Shiny Kirlia; both have the ability to evolve into Shiny. It evolves into Kirlia at Level 20, then Gardevoir at Level 30.
Increase Shiny Odds (Shiny Charm or Methods)
Get the Shiny Charm item in the game. This boosts your chance of encountering Shiny Pokemon. It makes finding Shiny Ralts or Kirlia much easier. In order to obtain the Shiny Charm, players must complete the Pokedex by capturing all of the Pokémon. After that, visit NPCs like the Professor, and they will reward you with the Shiny Charm.
Mega Gardevoir Shiny Evolution
Mega Evolution of Gardevoir is temporary. It occurs once during the battle. To get Mega Evolution, you need to get a Gardevoirite. Gardevoirite is a Mega Stone that is necessary to perform Mega Evolution.
Mega Evolution increases the stats of Gardevoir, which helps in attack, speed, and defense against the enemy. Pokémon get new abilities. It gives a more dynamic appearance to Gardevoir. This means Mega Evolution gives more strength to Shiny Gardevoir (SG).
Shiny Gallade vs. Shiny Gardevoir: Which One is Better?
Gallade is psychic/fighting; on the other hand, Gardevoir is fairy/psychic. Gallade has a white body with green hair, while Gardevoir has blue hair with a white body. Gallade has more powerful attacks than Gardevoir. Both have different Mega Stones. Gallade has the Mega Stone Galladite, and Gardevoir has Gardevoirite.