Pokedex in Pokemon Infinite Fusion
The Pokedex is the central part of the Pokemon world. Here, you can see the stats, traits, and abilities of each Pokemon. The growing world of Pokemon is documented here with all its properties. It serves as a record of your seen and caught Pokemon. While playing, a gamer loves to keep an eye on it.
The Pokedex is a tool that keeps a record of the Pokemon a trainer collects or battles. It provides information about the abilities, stats, and moves of the Pokémon. Unlike traditional games, this tool also has the ability to store records of fused Pokémon. For example, if you fuse Charmander and Squirtle, the resulting combination of these Pokemon will be stored in it. Simply put, the Pokedex is an encyclopedia for Pokemon from Generations 1 to 7. By default, it is set to include Pokémon species from Generations 1 to 3, but you also have the liberty to adjust it to include Pokemon from Generations 3 to 7. It is essentially a record of all Pokemon and their possible combinations.
Traditional Games: Pokedex vs. Pokedex of Infinite Fusion
Traditional games have a set of Pokemon from Generations 1 to 3 only, and you would have the Pokedex of these Pokemon. On the other hand, Pokemon Infinite Fusion includes additional Pokemon from Generations 3 to 7, making it vast and expanded. Players would love to dive into the bigger world of this, where they can build a stronger team of fused Pokemon. Let’s look at the number of Pokémon generation-wise:
- Generation 1: 151 Pokemon
- Generation 2: 251 Pokemon
- Generation 7: 807 Pokemon
Unique Aspects in Infinite Fusion world
Here, unique aspects discussed in detail:
Supports Infinite Fusion Combinations
This handles the generations from 1 to 7 and subsequently also includes details of more than 215,000 fusion combinations. This number is not confined to this figure, as it is increasing day by day. This shows how extensive the details about fusion combinations are.
Displays Custom Sprites
It showcases the custom sprites for fused Pokemon. These are the unique visual designs of the Pokemon. Players also have the option to use custom sprites in the Pokedex. It can manage custom sprites to make the Pokemon combinations more interesting.
Dual-Type and Stat Information for Fusions
It shows the stats of the fused Pokemon. It displays the types of both parent Pokémon, showcasing all the strengths and weaknesses against rival Pokémon. This record helps players decide which fused Pokemon to use against their opponents. It is a tremendous feature of it in Pokemon Infinite Fusion.
Records Seen & Caught Pokemon
It records the Pokemon you have seen during your journey as well as the Pokemon you have caught. Both types of Pokemon are stored in it. You can check the record anytime you want.
Helps in Planning for Battles
It shows the strengths and weaknesses of each Pokemon. Players get an idea of which Pokemon has good abilities, moves, and stats. It becomes easier for the player to choose the Pokemon that is best suited for battling rival Pokemon. It undoubtedly helps in strategizing for future moves in the game
Generation 1
Generation 1 was released in 1996 in Japan. This generation is the core of the Pokemon world. Almost all fan-made games include this generation. From Pikachu to Mewtwo, it laid the foundation, and we still see growth in the Pokémon world every day. The community is launching new Pokémon, but they can’t replace the original ones. Here the complete list of the generation 1 Pokemon is given.
# | Pokemon Name | Type 1 | Type 2 | Location | Original Generation |
1 | Bulbasaur | Grass | Poison | Pallet Town (Player House Postgame)/Viridian River (static)/ Cerulean trade | 1 |
2 | Ivysaur | Grass | Poison | Evolve Bulbasaur | 1 |
3 | Venusaur | Grass | Poison | Evolve Ivysaur | 1 |
4 | Charmander | Fire | – | Pallet Town (Oak and your Sister) /Viridian River (static)/ Cerulean trade | 1 |
5 | Charmeleon | Fire | – | Evolve Charmander | 1 |
6 | Charizard | Fire | Flying | Evolve Charmeleon | 1 |
7 | Squirtle | Water | – | Pallet Town (Oak and your Sister) /Viridian River (static)/ Cerulean trade | 1 |
8 | Wartortle | Water | – | Evolve Squirtle | 1 |
9 | Blastoise | Water | – | Evolve Wartortle | 1 |
10 | Caterpie | Bug | – | Routes 2, 24, 30, 31 / Cerulean Cape / Ilex Forest / National Park / Viridian Forest | 1 |
11 | Metapod | Bug | – | Route 24/ Cerulean Cape/ Viridian Forest / Secret Forest/ Viridian River | 1 |
12 | Butterfree | Bug | Flying | Routes 30, 31 / Bond Bridge / Ilex Forest / National Park / Secret Forest | 1 |
13 | Weedle | Bug | Poison | Routes 2, 24 / Cerulean Cape / National Park / Viridian Forest | 1 |
14 | Kakuna | Bug | Poison | Routes 24, 30, 31 / Cerulean Cape / National Park / Secret Forest / Viridian Forest / Viridian River | 1 |
15 | Beedrill | Bug | Poison | Ilex Forest / National Park / Secret Forest/ Viridian Forest (static) | 1 |
16 | Pidgey | Normal | Flying | Routes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24 / Celadon City / Cerulean Cape / Viridian Forest / Secret Garden | 1 |
17 | Pidgeotto | Normal | Flying | Routes 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43 / Berry Forest / Bond Bridge / Celadon City / Chrono Island / Viridian River / Lake of Rage / Secluded Path / Secret Forest | 1 |
18 | Pidgeot | Normal | Flying | Route 23 | 1 |
19 | Rattata | Normal | – | Route 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 33/ Secret Garden (Night) / Cerulean City/ Celadon Sewers/ Pokemon Mansion | 1 |
20 | Raticate | Normal | – | Route 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 42/ Burned Tower/ Celadon Sewers/ Mt. Mortar/ Pokemon Mansion/ Power Tower/ Secluded Path/ Tohjo Falls/ Union Cave/ Viridian River | 1 |
21 | Spearow | Normal | Flying | Route 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23 / Boon Island / Kindle Road / Secluded Path | 1 |
22 | Fearow | Normal | Flying | Routes 9, 17, 18, 23, 29, 33, 42, 46 / Boon Island / Brine Road / Kindle Road / Safari Zone (Area 5) | 1 |
23 | Ekans | Poison | – | Routes 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23 | 1 |
24 | Arbok | Poison | – | Routes 23, 27, 32, 33 / Cerulean Cave 1 / Victory Road | 1 |
25 | Pikachu | Electric | – | Routes 6, 7 / Power Plant / Secret Forest / Evolve Pichu (Lv15) | 1 |
26 | Raichu | Electric | – | Cerulean Cave 1&3 / Evolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone) | 1 |
27 | Sandshrew | Ground | – | Routes 4, 8, 9, 10, 23 / Mt. Moon | 1 |
28 | Sandslash | Ground | – | Routes 23, 27 / Cerulean Cave 1 / Union Cave / Victory Road | 1 |
29 | Nidoran | Poison | – | Route 3, 9, 22 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) | 1 |
30 | Nidorina | Poison | – | Routes 9, 35, 36 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) | 1 |
31 | Nidoqueen | Poison | Ground | Evolve Nidorina (Moon Stone) | 1 |
32 | Nidoran | Poison | – | Route 3, 9, 22 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) | 1 |
33 | Nidorino | Poison | – | Routes 9, 35, 36 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) | 1 |
34 | Nidoking | Poison | Ground | Evolve Nidorino (Moon Stone) | 1 |
35 | Clefairy | Fairy | – | Mt Moon (dark)/ Celadon Game Corner/ Evolve Ceffa (Lv 15) | 1 |
36 | Clefable | Fairy | – | Cerulean Cave 3/ Evolve Clefairy (Moon Stone) | 1 |
37 | Vulpix | Fire | – | Route 7, 8, 36, 37 / Pokemon Mansion (Floors 1-3) | 1 |
38 | Ninetales | Fire | – | Evolve Vulpix (Fire Stone) | 1 |
39 | Jigglypuff | Normal | Fairy | Route 5 / Evolve Igglybuff (Lv 15) | 1 |
40 | Wigglytuff | Normal | Fairy | Routes 34, 46 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Evolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone) | 1 |
41 | Zubat | Poison | Flying | Routes 34, 46 / Celadon City / Evolve (Rock Tunnel) | 1 |
42 | Golbat | Poison | Flying | Routes 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 42 / Celadon City / Victory Road | 1 |
43 | Oddish | Grass | Poison | Routes 24, 25, 35 / National Park / Secluded Path | 1 |
44 | Gloom | Grass | Poison | Evolve Oddish | 1 |
45 | Vileplume | Grass | Poison | Evolve Gloom (Leaf Stone) | 1 |
46 | Paras | Bug | Grass | Routes 46, 47 / Viridian Forest / National Park | 1 |
47 | Parasect | Bug | Grass | Evolve Paras | 1 |
48 | Venonat | Bug | Poison | Routes 31, 32 / National Park / Secluded Path | 1 |
49 | Venomoth | Bug | Poison | Evolve Venonat | 1 |
50 | Diglett | Ground | – | Routes 11, 13, 14 / Diglett’s Cave / Mt. Moon | 1 |
51 | Dugtrio | Ground | – | Evolve Diglett | 1 |
52 | Meowth | Normal | – | Routes 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 / Celadon City / Kanto Safari Zone | 1 |
53 | Persian | Normal | – | Evolve Meowth | 1 |
54 | Machop | Fighting | – | Routes 9, 10, 15, 20, 25 | 1 |
55 | Machoke | Fighting | – | Evolve Machop | 1 |
56 | Machamp | Fighting | – | Evolve Machoke (Trade) | 1 |
57 | Bellsprout | Grass | Poison | Routes 24, 25, 35 / National Park | 1 |
58 | Weepinbell | Grass | Poison | Evolve Bellsprout | 1 |
59 | Victreebel | Grass | Poison | Evolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone) | 1 |
60 | Tentacool | Water | Poison | Routes 19, 20, 21, 22 | 1 |
61 | Tentacruel | Water | Poison | Evolve Tentacool | 1 |
62 | Geodude | Rock | Ground | Routes 9, 10, 15, 20, 25 | 1 |
63 | Graveler | Rock | Ground | Evolve Geodude | 1 |
64 | Golem | Rock | Ground | Evolve Graveler (Trade) | 1 |
65 | Ponyta | Fire | – | Routes 7, 8, 14 | 1 |
66 | Rapidash | Fire | – | Evolve Ponyta | 1 |
67 | Magnemite | Electric | Steel | Routes 10, 11 / Power Plant | 1 |
68 | Magneton | Electric | Steel | Evolve Magnemite | 1 |
69 | Diglett | Ground | – | Routes 11, 13, 14 | 1 |
70 | Seel | Water | – | Routes 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14 | 1 |
71 | Dewgong | Water | Ice | Evolve Seel | 1 |
72 | Grimer | Poison | – | Routes 9, 10 | 1 |
73 | Muk | Poison | – | Evolve Grimer | 1 |
74 | Exeggcute | Grass | Psychic | Routes 10, 13, 16 | 1 |
75 | Exeggutor | Grass | Psychic | Evolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone) | 1 |
76 | Ditto | Normal | – | Routes 15, 18 | 1 |
77 | Lapras | Water | Ice | Cerulean City (Rare Encounter) | 1 |
78 | Dratini | Dragon | – | Routes 24, 25 (Fishing) | 1 |
79 | Dragonair | Dragon | – | Evolve Dratini | 1 |
80 | Dragonite | Dragon | Flying | Evolve Dragonair | 1 |
81 | Magnemite | Steel | Electric | Routes 9, 10, 23 / Celadon Sewers / Power Plant | 1 |
82 | Magneton | Steel | Electric | Route 23 / Cerulean Cave 1 / Power Plant | 1 |
83 | Farfetch’d | Normal | Flying | Route 13 / Secret Garden (Day) / Viridian River / Vermillion City (Trade) | 1 |
84 | Doduo | Normal | Flying | Routes 16, 17, 18, 27 / Safari Zone (Areas 2&4) | 1 |
85 | Dodrio | Normal | Flying | Route 27/ Cerulean Cave 1 & 2/ Mt. Silver | 1 |
86 | Seel | Water | – | Routes 19, 20, 23 / Cinnabar Island / Crimson City / Seafoam Islands / Treasure Beach | 1 |
87 | Dewgong | Ice | Water | Route 23 / Crimson City / Seafoam 4 | 1 |
88 | Grimer | Poison | – | Routes 14, 17 (Night) / Route 15 (Anytime) / Celadon City / Celadon Sewers / Pokémon Mansion / Power Plant | 1 |
89 | Muk | Poison | – | Routes 14, 17 (Night) / Route 15 (Anytime) / Celadon City / Celadon Sewers / Pokémon Mansion | 1 |
90 | Shellder | Water | – | Routes 12, 13, 20, 21 (Underwater) / Routes 23, 27, 42 / Boon Island / Brine Road / Chrono Island / Crimson City / Kin Island / Kindle Road / Knot Island / Resort Gorgeous / Ruins of Alph / Secluded Path / Seafoam Islands / Vermillion City / Water Labyrinth | 1 |
91 | Cloyster | Water | Ice | Routes 12, 13, 20 (Underwater) / Seafoam 4 | 1 |
92 | Gastly | Ghost | Poison | Burned Tower / Pokémon Tower(F3-F4) | 1 |
93 | Haunter | Ghost | Poison | Burned Tower / Pokémon Tower (F3-F4) / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4, Night) | 1 |
94 | Gengar | Ghost | Poison | Pokémon Tower (F4)/ Evolve Haunter (Lv40) | 1 |
95 | Onix | Rock | Ground | Mt. Moon / Rock Tunnel / Union Cave / Victory Road | 1 |
96 | Drowzee | Psychic | – | Routes 11, 35 / Berry Forest / Pokemon Tower (F3-F4) | 1 |
97 | Hypno | Psychic | – | Routes 34, 35 (Night) / Berry Forest / Cerulean Cave 1 | 1 |
98 | Krabby | Water | – | Routes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34 / Brine Road / Cerulean Cave 2 / Cerulean City / Cinnabar island / Ruins of Alph / Vermillion City / Seafoam Islands / Secluded Path / Togepi Island / Treasure Beach | 1 |
99 | Kingler | Water | – | Route 20 (Underwater) / Route 34 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Seafoam Islands 4 / Treasure Beach | 1 |
100 | Voltorb | Electric | – | Routes 9, 10 / Power Plant | 1 |
101 | Electrode | Electric | – | Cerulean Cave 2 / Power Plant B1-1 | 1 |
102 | Exeggcute | Grass | Psychic | Route 35 / Berry Forest / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) | 1 |
103 | Exeggutor | Grass | Psychic | Evolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone) | 1 |
104 | Cubone | Ground | – | Route 5 / Pokemon Tower F3-F4 / Rock Tunnel | 1 |
105 | Marowak | Ground | – | Cerulean Cave 2 / Victory Road | 1 |
106 | Hitmonlee | Fighting | – | Route 23 / Gift Fighting Dojo | 1 |
107 | Hitmonchan | Fighting | – | Route 23 / Gift Fighting Dojo | 1 |
108 | Lickitung | Normal | – | Route 44/ Safari Zone (Areas 1-3) / Safari Zone (Area 4, Morning) / Secret Garden (Night)/ Cerulean Cave 3 | 1 |
109 | Koffing | Poison | – | Celadon City / Pokémon Mansion | 1 |
110 | Weezing | Poison | – | Burned Tower / Pokemon Mansion (F1-F3) | 1 |
111 | Rhyhorn | Ground | Rock | Safari Zone (Areas 1-5) / Victory Road | 1 |
112 | Rhydon | Ground | Rock | Cerulean Cave 2 | 1 |
113 | Chansey | Normal | – | Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) / Cerulean Cave 2/ Evolve Happiny (Oval Stone) | 1 |
114 | Tangela | Grass | – | Route 1, 21, 44 / Secret Garden / Treasure Beach | 1 |
115 | Kangaskhan | Normal | – | Safari Zone (Areas 2 and 4) | 1 |
116 | Horsea | Water | – | Routes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21 / Bond Bridge / Cerulean City / Cinnabar Island / Ruins of Alph / Vermillion City / Seafoam Islands 4 / Secluded Path / Treasure Beach / Water Labyrinth / Boon Island / Chrono Island / Brine Road / Kin Island / Laboratory / Resort Gorgeous | 1 |
117 | Seadra | Water | – | Routes 19, 20 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Cinnabar Island / Bond Bridge / Deep Sea / Laboratory / Seafoam Islands 4 / Treasure Beach | 1 |
118 | Goldeen | Water | – | Routes 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24/ Cerulean Cape/ Cerulean Cave 2/ Cerulean City/ Crimson City/ Dark Cave/ Mt. Mortar/ Pallet Town/ Safari Zone/ Slowpoke Well/ Secluded Path/ Tohjo Falls/ Vermillion City/ Viridian River | 1 |
119 | Seaking | Water | – | Routes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 23 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Cerulean City / Crimson City / Dark Cave / Deep Sea / Mt. Mortar / Safari Zone (Areas 1-5) / Secluded Path / Tohjo Falls / Union Cave / Vermillion City / Viridian River | 1 |
120 | Staryu | Water | – | Routes 17, 21, 34 / Vermillion City / Ruins of Alph / Seafoam Islands 4 / Secluded Path | 1 |
121 | Starmie | Water | Psychic | Seafoam Islands 4 | 1 |
122 | Mr. Mime | Psychic | – | Route 21 / Route 2 (Trade Abra)/ Evolve Mime Jr (knowing Mimic) | 1 |
123 | Scyther | Bug | Flying | Safari Zone (Areas 1-4) / National Park / Game Corner | 1 |
124 | Jynx | Ice | Psychic | Seafoam Islands (3&4) | 1 |
125 | Electabuzz | Electric | – | Power Plant B1-1 & B1-2/ Evolve Elekid (Lv 25) | 1 |
126 | Magmar | Fire | – | Burned Tower / Mt. Ember/ Evolve Magby (Lv 25) | 1 |
127 | Pinsir | Bug | – | National Park / Safari Zone / Game Corner | 1 |
128 | Tauros | Normal | – | Safari Zone (Areas 3-4) | 1 |
129 | Magikarp | Water | – | Most Bodies of Water (Any Rod) / Mt. Moon (Fisherman inside Pokemon Center) | 1 |
130 | Gyarados | Water | Flying | Most Bodies of Water (Super Rod) / Routes 19, 20, 23 / Cinnabar Island / Crimson City / Lake of Rage / Treasure Beach | 1 |
131 | Lapras | Water | Ice | Silph Co (gifted from Silph worker) / Union Cave (static) / Treasure Beach | 1 |
132 | Ditto | Normal | – | Route 34, 35 / Cerulean Cave 1, 2/ Pokémon Mansion (Basement) / Secret Garden (Night) | 1 |
133 | Eevee | Normal | – | Secret Garden (Day) / Celadon City (grass)/ Celadon Condominiums (Top Floor, Gift) | 1 |
134 | Vaporeon | Water | – | Evolve Eevee (Water Stone) | 1 |
135 | Jolteon | Electric | – | Evolve Eevee (Thunder Stone) | 1 |
136 | Flareon | Fire | – | Evolve Eevee (Fire Stone) | 1 |
137 | Porygon | Normal | – | Bill’s House / Celadon Game Corner | 1 |
138 | Omanyte | Water | Rock | Mt. Moon/ Cinnabar Island/ Rock Smash rocks (Fossil) [postgame] | 1 |
139 | Omastar | Water | Rock | Evolve Omanyte | 1 |
140 | Kabuto | Rock | Water | Mt. Moon/ Cinnabar Island/ Rock Smash rocks (Fossil) [postgame] | 1 |
141 | Kabutops | Rock | Water | Evolve Kabuto | 1 |
142 | Aerodactyl | Rock | Flying | Pewter City Quest (Fossil) | 1 |
143 | Snorlax | Normal | – | Routes 12, 16 (Static) / Route 23/ Evolve Munchlax (Lv 30) | 1 |
144 | Articuno | Ice | Flying | Seafoam Islands | 1 |
145 | Zapdos | Electric | Flying | Power Plant | 1 |
146 | Moltres | Fire | Flying | Mt. Ember | 1 |
147 | Dratini | Dragon | – | Blackthorn/Dragon’s Den/Route 45/ Safari Zone/ CeladonCorner | 1 |
148 | Dragonair | Dragon | – | Blackthorn/ Dragon’s Den/ Route 45/ Safari Zone | 1 |
149 | Dragonite | Dragon | Flying | Dragon’s Den/ Route 45 | 1 |
150 | Mewtwo | Psychic | – | Cerulean Cave | 1 |
151 | Mew | Psychic | – | Viridian River (base on Karma) | 1 |
Generation 2
Generation 2 was launched in 1999 in Japan. Many new features welcomed this generation, like the day and night cycle and new hidden items in the Johto region. Pokemon like Chikorita, Totodile, and Lugia became famous. Here is the complete list of Generation 2 Pokemon.
# | Pokemon Name | Type 1 | Type 2 | Location | Original Generation |
152 | Chikorita | Grass | – | Johto | 2 |
153 | Bayleef | Grass | – | Evolve Chikorita | 2 |
154 | Meganium | Grass | – | Evolve Bayleef | 2 |
155 | Cyndaquil | Fire | – | Johto | 2 |
156 | Quilava | Fire | – | Evolve Cyndaquil | 2 |
157 | Typhlosion | Fire | – | Evolve Quilava | 2 |
158 | Totodile | Water | – | Johto | 2 |
159 | Croconaw | Water | – | Evolve Totodile | 2 |
160 | Feraligatr | Water | – | Evolve Croconaw | 2 |
161 | Sentret | Normal | – | Route 29 | 2 |
162 | Furret | Normal | – | Evolve Sentret | 2 |
163 | Hoothoot | Normal | Flying | Route 29 | 2 |
164 | Noctowl | Normal | Flying | Evolve Hoothoot | 2 |
165 | Ledyba | Bug | Flying | Routes 35, 46 | 2 |
166 | Ledian | Bug | Flying | Evolve Ledyba | 2 |
167 | Spinarak | Bug | Poison | Routes 27, 31 | 2 |
168 | Ariados | Bug | Poison | Evolve Spinarak | 2 |
169 | Chinchou | Water | Electric | Routes 40, 41 | 2 |
170 | Lanturn | Water | Electric | Evolve Chinchou | 2 |
171 | Pichu | Electric | – | Evolve from friendship | 2 |
172 | Cleffa | Fairy | – | Evolve from friendship | 2 |
173 | Iglybuff | Normal | Fairy | Route 35 | 2 |
174 | Togepi | Fairy | – | Route 29 | 2 |
175 | Togetic | Fairy | Flying | Evolve Togepi | 2 |
176 | Slugma | Fire | – | Route 112 | 2 |
177 | Magcargo | Fire | Rock | Evolve Slugma | 2 |
178 | Swinub | Ice | Ground | Route 7 | 2 |
179 | Piloswine | Ice | Ground | Evolve Swinub | 2 |
180 | Remoraid | Water | – | Routes 24, 25, 32 | 2 |
181 | Octillery | Water | – | Evolve Remoraid | 2 |
182 | Delibird | Ice | Flying | Routes 3, 7 | 2 |
183 | Wobbuffet | Psychic | – | Evolve Wobbuffet | 2 |
184 | Girafarig | Normal | Psychic | Route 38 | 2 |
185 | Gligar | Ground | Flying | Route 41 | 2 |
186 | Steelix | Steel | Ground | Evolve Onix | 2 |
187 | Scizor | Steel | Bug | Trade Evolution with Steel Coat | 2 |
188 | Shuckle | Bug | Rock | Route 34 | 2 |
189 | Heracross | Bug | Fighting | Route 42 | 2 |
190 | Snubbull | Fairy | – | Route 29 | 2 |
191 | Granbull | Fairy | – | Evolve Snubbull | 2 |
192 | Qwilfish | Water | Poison | Route 29 | 2 |
193 | Wooper | Water | Ground | Route 27 | 2 |
194 | Quagsire | Water | Ground | Evolve Wooper | 2 |
195 | Slugma | Fire | – | Route 112 | 2 |
196 | Espeon | Psychic | – | Evolve Eevee (Sun Stone) | 2 |
197 | Umbreon | Dark | – | Evolve Eevee (Moon Stone) | 2 |
198 | Murkrow | Dark | Flying | Route 7, 16, 33/ Secret Forest | 2 |
199 | Slowking | Water | Psychic | Slowpoke Well/ Evolve Slowpoke (Water Stone) | 2 |
200 | Misdreavus | Ghost | – | Burned Tower/ Pokemon Tower/ Mt. Silver | 2 |
201 | Unown | Psychic | – | Ruins of Alph | 2 |
202 | Wobbuffet | Psychic | – | Dark Cave / Evolve Wynaut | 2 |
203 | Girafarig | Normal | Psychic | Route 27, 43/ Bond Bridge/ Secluded Path | 2 |
204 | Pineco | Bug | – | Route 43/ Ilex Forest / Lake of Rage/ Viridian River | 2 |
205 | Forretress | Bug | Steel | Evolve Pineco | 2 |
206 | Dunsparce | Normal | – | Chrono Island/ Dark Cave/ Secluded Path | 2 |
207 | Gligar | Ground | Flying | Route 45, 46 | 2 |
208 | Steelix | Steel | Ground | Evolve Onix (Lv40 or Metal Coat)/ Mt. Silver/ Union Cave/ Victory Road | 2 |
209 | Snubbull | Fairy | – | Route 8 | 2 |
210 | Granbull | Fairy | – | Evolve Snubbull/ Route 34 | 2 |
211 | Qwilfish | Water | Poison | Route 21, 12, 13, 32/ Bond Bridge/ Boon Island/ Brine Road/ Chrono Island/ Kin Island/ the Laboratory/ Resort Gorgeous/ Water Labyrinth | 2 |
212 | Scizor | Steel | Bug | Evolve Scyther (Lv40 or Metal Coat) | 2 |
213 | Shuckle | Bug | Rock | Rock Runnel/ Union Cave | 2 |
214 | Heracross | Bug | Fighting | Ilex Forest | 2 |
215 | Sneasel | Dark | Ice | Seaform 3/ Ice Mountains | 2 |
216 | Teddiursa | Normal | – | Route 5/ Mt. Silver | 2 |
217 | Ursaring | Normal | – | Victory Road / Blackthorn City / Ice Mountains/ Dark Cave/ Mt. Silver | 2 |
218 | Slugma | Fire | – | Route 16, 17 | 2 |
219 | Magcargo | Fire | Rock | Evolve Slugma | 2 |
220 | Swinub | Ice | Ground | Seafoam 2, 3 | 2 |
221 | Piloswine | Ice | Ground | Ice Mountains/ Evolve Swinub | 2 |
222 | Corsola | Water | Rock | Route 21, 34/ Boon Island/ Brine Road/ Chrono Island/ Kindle Road/ Kin Island/ Knot Island/ Resort Gorgeous/ Water Labyrinth | 2 |
223 | Remoraid | Water | – | Route 12,13 (underwater), 20, 21, 44 | 2 |
224 | Octillery | Water | – | Evolve Remoraid | 2 |
225 | Delibird | Ice | Flying | Ice Mountains | 2 |
226 | Mantine | Water | Flying | Route 20/ Brine Road/ Water Labyrinth/ Resort Gorgeous/ Boon Island/KIN Island/ Chrono Island | 2 |
227 | Skarmory | Steel | Flying | Ice Mountains/ Blackthorn / route 45/ Mt Silver (snow side) | 2 |
228 | Houndour | Dark | Fire | Route 7 (night) | 2 |
229 | Houndoom | Dark | Fire | Evolve Houndour | 2 |
230 | Kingdra | Water | Dragon | Evolve Seadra (Lv50 or Dragon Scale)/ Route 32 Old Rod only/ Laboratory | 2 |
231 | Phanpy | Ground | – | Route 9, 10/ Mt Silver | 2 |
232 | Donphan | Ground | – | Evolve Phanpy/ Route 45 (Blackthorn),46/ Boon Island/ Mt. Silver/ Victory Road | 2 |
233 | Porygon2 | Normal | – | Evolve Porygon (Upgrade) | 2 |
234 | Stantler | Normal | – | Route 36, 37/ Berry Forest | 2 |
235 | Smeargle | Normal | – | Saffron Nightclub (gift)/ Ruin of Alph/ Brine Road | 2 |
236 | Tyrogue | Fighting | – | Breed Evolution/ Route 23 | 2 |
237 | Hitmontop | Fighting | – | Evolve Tyrogue/ Saffron City Fighting Dojo | 2 |
238 | Smoochum | Ice | Psychic | Breed Jynx/ Daycare | 2 |
239 | Elekid | Electric | – | Breeding/ Daycare Gift | 2 |
240 | Magby | Fire | – | Breeding/ Daycare Gift | 2 |
241 | Miltank | Normal | – | Route 18 | 2 |
242 | Blissey | Normal | – | Evolve Chansey (Lv42) | 2 |
243 | Raikou | Electric | – | Roaming after Ruins of Alph Fused | 2 |
244 | Entei | Fire | – | Victory Road, Roaming after | 2 |
245 | Suicune | Water | – | Roaming after Ruins of Alph Fused | 2 |
246 | Larvitar | Rock | Ground | Mt. Silver, Safari Zone 4 (Pokéradar) | 2 |
247 | Pupitar | Rock | Ground | Evolve Larvitar/ Mt Silver | 2 |
248 | Tyranitar | Rock | Dark | Evolve Pupitar | 2 |
249 | Lugia | Psychic | Flying | Fused with other at Naval Rock (Only after battling Chuck in Sevii Isles postgame) | 2 |
250 | Ho-oh | Fire | Flying | Fused with other at Naval Rock (Only after battling Chuck in Sevii Isles postgame) | 2 |
251 | Celebi | Grass | Psychic | Ilex Forest (after 30 hotel quest, the man top gives a GS ball, go to shrine) | 2 |