Pokedex image with written text on it in fusion game.

Pokedex in Pokemon Infinite Fusion

The Pokedex is the central part of the Pokemon world. Here, you can see the stats, traits, and abilities of each Pokemon. The growing world of Pokemon is documented here with all its properties. It serves as a record of your seen and caught Pokemon. While playing, a gamer loves to keep an eye on it.


The Pokedex is a tool that keeps a record of the Pokemon a trainer collects or battles. It provides information about the abilities, stats, and moves of the Pokémon. Unlike traditional games, this tool also has the ability to store records of fused Pokémon. For example, if you fuse Charmander and Squirtle, the resulting combination of these Pokemon will be stored in it. Simply put, the Pokedex is an encyclopedia for Pokemon from Generations 1 to 7. By default, it is set to include Pokémon species from Generations 1 to 3, but you also have the liberty to adjust it to include Pokemon from Generations 3 to 7. It is essentially a record of all Pokemon and their possible combinations.

Traditional Games: Pokedex vs. Pokedex of Infinite Fusion

Traditional games have a set of Pokemon from Generations 1 to 3 only, and you would have the Pokedex of these Pokemon. On the other hand, Pokemon Infinite Fusion includes additional Pokemon from Generations 3 to 7, making it vast and expanded. Players would love to dive into the bigger world of this, where they can build a stronger team of fused Pokemon. Let’s look at the number of Pokémon generation-wise:

  • Generation 1: 151 Pokemon
  • Generation 2: 251 Pokemon
  • Generation 7: 807 Pokemon

Unique Aspects in Infinite Fusion world

Here, unique aspects discussed in detail:

Supports Infinite Fusion Combinations

This handles the generations from 1 to 7 and subsequently also includes details of more than 215,000 fusion combinations. This number is not confined to this figure, as it is increasing day by day. This shows how extensive the details about fusion combinations are.

Displays Custom Sprites

It showcases the custom sprites for fused Pokemon. These are the unique visual designs of the Pokemon. Players also have the option to use custom sprites in the Pokedex. It can manage custom sprites to make the Pokemon combinations more interesting.

Dual-Type and Stat Information for Fusions

It shows the stats of the fused Pokemon. It displays the types of both parent Pokémon, showcasing all the strengths and weaknesses against rival Pokémon. This record helps players decide which fused Pokemon to use against their opponents. It is a tremendous feature of it in Pokemon Infinite Fusion.

Records Seen & Caught Pokemon

It records the Pokemon you have seen during your journey as well as the Pokemon you have caught. Both types of Pokemon are stored in it. You can check the record anytime you want.

Helps in Planning for Battles

It shows the strengths and weaknesses of each Pokemon. Players get an idea of which Pokemon has good abilities, moves, and stats. It becomes easier for the player to choose the Pokemon that is best suited for battling rival Pokemon. It undoubtedly helps in strategizing for future moves in the game

Generation 1

Generation 1 was released in 1996 in Japan. This generation is the core of the Pokemon world. Almost all fan-made games include this generation. From Pikachu to Mewtwo, it laid the foundation, and we still see growth in the Pokémon world every day. The community is launching new Pokémon, but they can’t replace the original ones. Here the complete list of the generation 1 Pokemon is given.

Pokemon Evolution By Stones
#Pokemon NameType 1Type 2LocationOriginal Generation
1BulbasaurGrassPoisonPallet Town (Player House Postgame)/Viridian River (static)/ Cerulean trade1
2IvysaurGrassPoisonEvolve Bulbasaur1
3VenusaurGrassPoisonEvolve Ivysaur1
4CharmanderFirePallet Town (Oak and your Sister) /Viridian River (static)/ Cerulean trade1
5CharmeleonFireEvolve Charmander1
6CharizardFireFlyingEvolve Charmeleon1
7SquirtleWaterPallet Town (Oak and your Sister) /Viridian River (static)/ Cerulean trade1
8WartortleWaterEvolve Squirtle1
9BlastoiseWaterEvolve Wartortle1
10CaterpieBugRoutes 2, 24, 30, 31 / Cerulean Cape / Ilex Forest / National Park / Viridian Forest1
11MetapodBugRoute 24/ Cerulean Cape/ Viridian Forest / Secret Forest/ Viridian River1
12ButterfreeBugFlyingRoutes 30, 31 / Bond Bridge / Ilex Forest / National Park / Secret Forest1
13WeedleBugPoisonRoutes 2, 24 / Cerulean Cape / National Park / Viridian Forest1
14KakunaBugPoisonRoutes 24, 30, 31 / Cerulean Cape / National Park / Secret Forest / Viridian Forest / Viridian River1
15BeedrillBugPoisonIlex Forest / National Park / Secret Forest/ Viridian Forest (static)1
16PidgeyNormalFlyingRoutes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24 / Celadon City / Cerulean Cape / Viridian Forest / Secret Garden1
17PidgeottoNormalFlyingRoutes 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43 / Berry Forest / Bond Bridge / Celadon City / Chrono Island / Viridian River / Lake of Rage / Secluded Path / Secret Forest1
18PidgeotNormalFlyingRoute 231
19RattataNormalRoute 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 33/ Secret Garden (Night) / Cerulean City/ Celadon Sewers/ Pokemon Mansion1
20RaticateNormalRoute 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 42/ Burned Tower/ Celadon Sewers/ Mt. Mortar/ Pokemon Mansion/ Power Tower/ Secluded Path/ Tohjo Falls/ Union Cave/ Viridian River1
21SpearowNormalFlyingRoute 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23 / Boon Island / Kindle Road / Secluded Path1
22FearowNormalFlyingRoutes 9, 17, 18, 23, 29, 33, 42, 46 / Boon Island / Brine Road / Kindle Road / Safari Zone (Area 5)1
23EkansPoisonRoutes 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 231
24ArbokPoisonRoutes 23, 27, 32, 33 / Cerulean Cave 1 / Victory Road1
25PikachuElectricRoutes 6, 7 / Power Plant / Secret Forest / Evolve Pichu (Lv15)1
26RaichuElectricCerulean Cave 1&3 / Evolve Pikachu (Thunder Stone)1
27SandshrewGroundRoutes 4, 8, 9, 10, 23 / Mt. Moon1
28SandslashGroundRoutes 23, 27 / Cerulean Cave 1 / Union Cave / Victory Road1
29NidoranPoisonRoute 3, 9, 22 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4)1
30NidorinaPoisonRoutes 9, 35, 36 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4)1
31NidoqueenPoisonGroundEvolve Nidorina (Moon Stone)1
32NidoranPoisonRoute 3, 9, 22 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4)1
33NidorinoPoisonRoutes 9, 35, 36 / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4)1
34NidokingPoisonGroundEvolve Nidorino (Moon Stone)1
35ClefairyFairyMt Moon (dark)/ Celadon Game Corner/ Evolve Ceffa (Lv 15)1
36ClefableFairyCerulean Cave 3/ Evolve Clefairy (Moon Stone)1
37VulpixFireRoute 7, 8, 36, 37 / Pokemon Mansion (Floors 1-3)1
38NinetalesFireEvolve Vulpix (Fire Stone)1
39JigglypuffNormalFairyRoute 5 / Evolve Igglybuff (Lv 15)1
40WigglytuffNormalFairyRoutes 34, 46 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Evolve Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)1
41ZubatPoisonFlyingRoutes 34, 46 / Celadon City / Evolve (Rock Tunnel)1
42GolbatPoisonFlyingRoutes 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 42 / Celadon City / Victory Road1
43OddishGrassPoisonRoutes 24, 25, 35 / National Park / Secluded Path1
44GloomGrassPoisonEvolve Oddish1
45VileplumeGrassPoisonEvolve Gloom (Leaf Stone)1
46ParasBugGrassRoutes 46, 47 / Viridian Forest / National Park1
47ParasectBugGrassEvolve Paras1
48VenonatBugPoisonRoutes 31, 32 / National Park / Secluded Path1
49VenomothBugPoisonEvolve Venonat1
50DiglettGroundRoutes 11, 13, 14 / Diglett’s Cave / Mt. Moon1
51DugtrioGroundEvolve Diglett1
52MeowthNormalRoutes 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 / Celadon City / Kanto Safari Zone1
53PersianNormalEvolve Meowth1
54MachopFightingRoutes 9, 10, 15, 20, 251
55MachokeFightingEvolve Machop1
56MachampFightingEvolve Machoke (Trade)1
57BellsproutGrassPoisonRoutes 24, 25, 35 / National Park1
58WeepinbellGrassPoisonEvolve Bellsprout1
59VictreebelGrassPoisonEvolve Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)1
60TentacoolWaterPoisonRoutes 19, 20, 21, 221
61TentacruelWaterPoisonEvolve Tentacool1
62GeodudeRockGroundRoutes 9, 10, 15, 20, 251
63GravelerRockGroundEvolve Geodude1
64GolemRockGroundEvolve Graveler (Trade)1
65PonytaFireRoutes 7, 8, 141
66RapidashFireEvolve Ponyta1
67MagnemiteElectricSteelRoutes 10, 11 / Power Plant1
68MagnetonElectricSteelEvolve Magnemite1
69DiglettGroundRoutes 11, 13, 141
70SeelWaterRoutes 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 141
71DewgongWaterIceEvolve Seel1
72GrimerPoisonRoutes 9, 101
73MukPoisonEvolve Grimer1
74ExeggcuteGrassPsychicRoutes 10, 13, 161
75ExeggutorGrassPsychicEvolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)1
76DittoNormalRoutes 15, 181
77LaprasWaterIceCerulean City (Rare Encounter)1
78DratiniDragonRoutes 24, 25 (Fishing)1
79DragonairDragonEvolve Dratini1
80DragoniteDragonFlyingEvolve Dragonair1
81MagnemiteSteelElectricRoutes 9, 10, 23 / Celadon Sewers / Power Plant1
82MagnetonSteelElectricRoute 23 / Cerulean Cave 1 / Power Plant1
83Farfetch’dNormalFlyingRoute 13 / Secret Garden (Day) / Viridian River / Vermillion City (Trade)1
84DoduoNormalFlyingRoutes 16, 17, 18, 27 / Safari Zone (Areas 2&4)1
85DodrioNormalFlyingRoute 27/ Cerulean Cave 1 & 2/ Mt. Silver1
86SeelWaterRoutes 19, 20, 23 / Cinnabar Island / Crimson City / Seafoam Islands / Treasure Beach1
87DewgongIceWaterRoute 23 / Crimson City / Seafoam 41
88GrimerPoisonRoutes 14, 17 (Night) / Route 15 (Anytime) / Celadon City / Celadon Sewers / Pokémon Mansion / Power Plant1
89MukPoisonRoutes 14, 17 (Night) / Route 15 (Anytime) / Celadon City / Celadon Sewers / Pokémon Mansion1
90ShellderWaterRoutes 12, 13, 20, 21 (Underwater) / Routes 23, 27, 42 / Boon Island / Brine Road / Chrono Island / Crimson City / Kin Island / Kindle Road / Knot Island / Resort Gorgeous / Ruins of Alph / Secluded Path / Seafoam Islands / Vermillion City / Water Labyrinth1
91CloysterWaterIceRoutes 12, 13, 20 (Underwater) / Seafoam 41
92GastlyGhostPoisonBurned Tower / Pokémon Tower(F3-F4)1
93HaunterGhostPoisonBurned Tower / Pokémon Tower (F3-F4) / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4, Night)1
94GengarGhostPoisonPokémon Tower (F4)/ Evolve Haunter (Lv40)1
95OnixRockGroundMt. Moon / Rock Tunnel / Union Cave / Victory Road1
96DrowzeePsychicRoutes 11, 35 / Berry Forest / Pokemon Tower (F3-F4)1
97HypnoPsychicRoutes 34, 35 (Night) / Berry Forest / Cerulean Cave 11
98KrabbyWaterRoutes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34 / Brine Road / Cerulean Cave 2 / Cerulean City / Cinnabar island / Ruins of Alph / Vermillion City / Seafoam Islands / Secluded Path / Togepi Island / Treasure Beach1
99KinglerWaterRoute 20 (Underwater) / Route 34 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Seafoam Islands 4 / Treasure Beach1
100VoltorbElectricRoutes 9, 10 / Power Plant1
101ElectrodeElectricCerulean Cave 2 / Power Plant B1-11
102ExeggcuteGrassPsychicRoute 35 / Berry Forest / Safari Zone (Areas 1-4)1
103ExeggutorGrassPsychicEvolve Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)1
104CuboneGroundRoute 5 / Pokemon Tower F3-F4 / Rock Tunnel1
105MarowakGroundCerulean Cave 2 / Victory Road1
106HitmonleeFightingRoute 23 / Gift Fighting Dojo1
107HitmonchanFightingRoute 23 / Gift Fighting Dojo1
108LickitungNormalRoute 44/ Safari Zone (Areas 1-3) / Safari Zone (Area 4, Morning) / Secret Garden (Night)/ Cerulean Cave 31
109KoffingPoisonCeladon City / Pokémon Mansion1
110WeezingPoisonBurned Tower / Pokemon Mansion (F1-F3)1
111RhyhornGroundRockSafari Zone (Areas 1-5) / Victory Road1
112RhydonGroundRockCerulean Cave 21
113ChanseyNormalSafari Zone (Areas 1-4) / Cerulean Cave 2/ Evolve Happiny (Oval Stone)1
114TangelaGrassRoute 1, 21, 44 / Secret Garden / Treasure Beach1
115KangaskhanNormalSafari Zone (Areas 2 and 4)1
116HorseaWaterRoutes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21 / Bond Bridge / Cerulean City / Cinnabar Island / Ruins of Alph / Vermillion City / Seafoam Islands 4 / Secluded Path / Treasure Beach / Water Labyrinth / Boon Island / Chrono Island / Brine Road / Kin Island / Laboratory / Resort Gorgeous1
117SeadraWaterRoutes 19, 20 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Cinnabar Island / Bond Bridge / Deep Sea / Laboratory / Seafoam Islands 4 / Treasure Beach1
118GoldeenWaterRoutes 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24/ Cerulean Cape/ Cerulean Cave 2/ Cerulean City/ Crimson City/ Dark Cave/ Mt. Mortar/ Pallet Town/ Safari Zone/ Slowpoke Well/ Secluded Path/ Tohjo Falls/ Vermillion City/ Viridian River1
119SeakingWaterRoutes 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 23 / Cerulean Cave 2 / Cerulean City / Crimson City / Dark Cave / Deep Sea / Mt. Mortar / Safari Zone (Areas 1-5) / Secluded Path / Tohjo Falls / Union Cave / Vermillion City / Viridian River1
120StaryuWaterRoutes 17, 21, 34 / Vermillion City / Ruins of Alph / Seafoam Islands 4 / Secluded Path1
121StarmieWaterPsychicSeafoam Islands 41
122Mr. MimePsychicRoute 21 / Route 2 (Trade Abra)/ Evolve Mime Jr (knowing Mimic)1
123ScytherBugFlyingSafari Zone (Areas 1-4) / National Park / Game Corner1
124JynxIcePsychicSeafoam Islands (3&4)1
125ElectabuzzElectricPower Plant B1-1 & B1-2/ Evolve Elekid (Lv 25)1
126MagmarFireBurned Tower / Mt. Ember/ Evolve Magby (Lv 25)1
127PinsirBugNational Park / Safari Zone / Game Corner1
128TaurosNormalSafari Zone (Areas 3-4)1
129MagikarpWaterMost Bodies of Water (Any Rod) / Mt. Moon (Fisherman inside Pokemon Center)1
130GyaradosWaterFlyingMost Bodies of Water (Super Rod) / Routes 19, 20, 23 / Cinnabar Island / Crimson City / Lake of Rage / Treasure Beach1
131LaprasWaterIceSilph Co (gifted from Silph worker) / Union Cave (static) / Treasure Beach1
132DittoNormalRoute 34, 35 / Cerulean Cave 1, 2/ Pokémon Mansion (Basement) / Secret Garden (Night)1
133EeveeNormalSecret Garden (Day) / Celadon City (grass)/ Celadon Condominiums (Top Floor, Gift)1
134VaporeonWaterEvolve Eevee (Water Stone)1
135JolteonElectricEvolve Eevee (Thunder Stone)1
136FlareonFireEvolve Eevee (Fire Stone)1
137PorygonNormalBill’s House / Celadon Game Corner1
138OmanyteWaterRockMt. Moon/ Cinnabar Island/ Rock Smash rocks (Fossil) [postgame]1
139OmastarWaterRockEvolve Omanyte1
140KabutoRockWaterMt. Moon/ Cinnabar Island/ Rock Smash rocks (Fossil) [postgame]1
141KabutopsRockWaterEvolve Kabuto1
142AerodactylRockFlyingPewter City Quest (Fossil)1
143SnorlaxNormalRoutes 12, 16 (Static) / Route 23/ Evolve Munchlax (Lv 30)1
144ArticunoIceFlyingSeafoam Islands1
145ZapdosElectricFlyingPower Plant1
146MoltresFireFlyingMt. Ember1
147DratiniDragonBlackthorn/Dragon’s Den/Route 45/ Safari Zone/ CeladonCorner1
148DragonairDragonBlackthorn/ Dragon’s Den/ Route 45/ Safari Zone1
149DragoniteDragonFlyingDragon’s Den/ Route 451
150MewtwoPsychicCerulean Cave1
151MewPsychicViridian River (base on Karma)1

Generation 2

Generation 2 was launched in 1999 in Japan. Many new features welcomed this generation, like the day and night cycle and new hidden items in the Johto region. Pokemon like Chikorita, Totodile, and Lugia became famous. Here is the complete list of Generation 2 Pokemon.

Pokemon Evolution By Stones
#Pokemon NameType 1Type 2LocationOriginal Generation
153BayleefGrassEvolve Chikorita2
154MeganiumGrassEvolve Bayleef2
156QuilavaFireEvolve Cyndaquil2
157TyphlosionFireEvolve Quilava2
159CroconawWaterEvolve Totodile2
160FeraligatrWaterEvolve Croconaw2
161SentretNormalRoute 292
162FurretNormalEvolve Sentret2
163HoothootNormalFlyingRoute 292
164NoctowlNormalFlyingEvolve Hoothoot2
165LedybaBugFlyingRoutes 35, 462
166LedianBugFlyingEvolve Ledyba2
167SpinarakBugPoisonRoutes 27, 312
168AriadosBugPoisonEvolve Spinarak2
169ChinchouWaterElectricRoutes 40, 412
170LanturnWaterElectricEvolve Chinchou2
171PichuElectricEvolve from friendship2
172CleffaFairyEvolve from friendship2
173IglybuffNormalFairyRoute 352
174TogepiFairyRoute 292
175TogeticFairyFlyingEvolve Togepi2
176SlugmaFireRoute 1122
177MagcargoFireRockEvolve Slugma2
178SwinubIceGroundRoute 72
179PiloswineIceGroundEvolve Swinub2
180RemoraidWaterRoutes 24, 25, 322
181OctilleryWaterEvolve Remoraid2
182DelibirdIceFlyingRoutes 3, 72
183WobbuffetPsychicEvolve Wobbuffet2
184GirafarigNormalPsychicRoute 382
185GligarGroundFlyingRoute 412
186SteelixSteelGroundEvolve Onix2
187ScizorSteelBugTrade Evolution with Steel Coat2
188ShuckleBugRockRoute 342
189HeracrossBugFightingRoute 422
190SnubbullFairyRoute 292
191GranbullFairyEvolve Snubbull2
192QwilfishWaterPoisonRoute 292
193WooperWaterGroundRoute 272
194QuagsireWaterGroundEvolve Wooper2
195SlugmaFireRoute 1122
196EspeonPsychicEvolve Eevee (Sun Stone)2
197UmbreonDarkEvolve Eevee (Moon Stone)2
198MurkrowDarkFlyingRoute 7, 16, 33/ Secret Forest2
199SlowkingWaterPsychicSlowpoke Well/ Evolve Slowpoke (Water Stone)2
200MisdreavusGhostBurned Tower/ Pokemon Tower/ Mt. Silver2
201UnownPsychicRuins of Alph2
202WobbuffetPsychicDark Cave / Evolve Wynaut2
203GirafarigNormalPsychicRoute 27, 43/ Bond Bridge/ Secluded Path2
204PinecoBugRoute 43/ Ilex Forest / Lake of Rage/ Viridian River2
205ForretressBugSteelEvolve Pineco2
206DunsparceNormalChrono Island/ Dark Cave/ Secluded Path2
207GligarGroundFlyingRoute 45, 462
208SteelixSteelGroundEvolve Onix (Lv40 or Metal Coat)/ Mt. Silver/ Union Cave/ Victory Road2
209SnubbullFairyRoute 82
210GranbullFairyEvolve Snubbull/ Route 342
211QwilfishWaterPoisonRoute 21, 12, 13, 32/ Bond Bridge/ Boon Island/ Brine Road/ Chrono Island/ Kin Island/ the Laboratory/ Resort Gorgeous/ Water Labyrinth2
212ScizorSteelBugEvolve Scyther (Lv40 or Metal Coat)2
213ShuckleBugRockRock Runnel/ Union Cave2
214HeracrossBugFightingIlex Forest2
215SneaselDarkIceSeaform 3/ Ice Mountains2
216TeddiursaNormalRoute 5/ Mt. Silver2
217UrsaringNormalVictory Road / Blackthorn City / Ice Mountains/ Dark Cave/ Mt. Silver2
218SlugmaFireRoute 16, 172
219MagcargoFireRockEvolve Slugma2
220SwinubIceGroundSeafoam 2, 32
221PiloswineIceGroundIce Mountains/ Evolve Swinub2
222CorsolaWaterRockRoute 21, 34/ Boon Island/ Brine Road/ Chrono Island/ Kindle Road/ Kin Island/ Knot Island/ Resort Gorgeous/ Water Labyrinth2
223RemoraidWaterRoute 12,13 (underwater), 20, 21, 442
224OctilleryWaterEvolve Remoraid2
225DelibirdIceFlyingIce Mountains2
226MantineWaterFlyingRoute 20/ Brine Road/ Water Labyrinth/ Resort Gorgeous/ Boon Island/KIN Island/ Chrono Island2
227SkarmorySteelFlyingIce Mountains/ Blackthorn / route 45/ Mt Silver (snow side)2
228HoundourDarkFireRoute 7 (night)2
229HoundoomDarkFireEvolve Houndour2
230KingdraWaterDragonEvolve Seadra (Lv50 or Dragon Scale)/ Route 32 Old Rod only/ Laboratory2
231PhanpyGroundRoute 9, 10/ Mt Silver2
232DonphanGroundEvolve Phanpy/ Route 45 (Blackthorn),46/ Boon Island/ Mt. Silver/ Victory Road2
233Porygon2NormalEvolve Porygon (Upgrade)2
234StantlerNormalRoute 36, 37/ Berry Forest2
235SmeargleNormalSaffron Nightclub (gift)/ Ruin of Alph/ Brine Road2
236TyrogueFightingBreed Evolution/ Route 232
237HitmontopFightingEvolve Tyrogue/ Saffron City Fighting Dojo2
238SmoochumIcePsychicBreed Jynx/ Daycare2
239ElekidElectricBreeding/ Daycare Gift2
240MagbyFireBreeding/ Daycare Gift2
241MiltankNormalRoute 182
242BlisseyNormalEvolve Chansey (Lv42)2
243RaikouElectricRoaming after Ruins of Alph Fused2
244EnteiFireVictory Road, Roaming after2
245SuicuneWaterRoaming after Ruins of Alph Fused2
246LarvitarRockGroundMt. Silver, Safari Zone 4 (Pokéradar)2
247PupitarRockGroundEvolve Larvitar/ Mt Silver2
248TyranitarRockDarkEvolve Pupitar2
249LugiaPsychicFlyingFused with other at Naval Rock (Only after battling Chuck in Sevii Isles postgame)2
250Ho-ohFireFlyingFused with other at Naval Rock (Only after battling Chuck in Sevii Isles postgame)2
251CelebiGrassPsychicIlex Forest (after 30 hotel quest, the man top gives a GS ball, go to shrine)2

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