Pokemon Infinite fusion Items 2025
Pokemon Infinite Fusion items enhance our gameplay by providing help to trainers in battles and the development of Pokemon. It proves to be invaluable in conquering all the regions, towns, cities, and routes.
Items are essential tools that provide help during the game in healing, boosting, enabling evolution, and even helping you to complete challenges throughout your fusion journey. All the items present in Pokemon Fusion help for better endless exploration, adventurous journeys, and becoming skilled in every field of the fusion journey.
Pokemon Infinite Fusion Items list
Here is the complete item list in the game:
Healing Items
Healing items are essential tools in Pokemon Infinite Fusion, helping keep your Pokémon in peak condition throughout the adventurous journey. These items are easily available in PokeMarts and other locations. These healing items included:
- Positions
- Super position
- Hyper positions
- Max position
- Full restore
- Antidotes
- Burn heals
- Ice heals
- Paralyze heals
- Full heals
- Revives
- Max-revives
- Ether and elixir
- Oran barries
- Sitrus barries
- Mooomo milk
- Lava cookies
Fusion Specific Items
The fusion items in the Pokemon infinite fusion are basically important tools that allow us to explore fusion mechanisms. These items not only provide the detail of fusion but are also helpful in optimizing and modifying the Pokémon. Here is a detailed description of the main items:
- DNA Splicers
- Super Splicers
- Infinite Splicers
- DNA Reverser
- Infinite Reverser
- Fusion Incense
Healing / Medicine Items
It is basically healing items that are designed to keep your Pokémon ready in the game. Medicine items provide the necessary support to trainers so they can strengthen their team and face challenges during long journeys and battles. Healing items are essential tools in Pokémon Infinite Fusion that help keep your Pokémon in top condition throughout the game’s adventurous journey. You can easily find these items in PokéMarts and other locations. These healing items included:
- Ability Capsule
- Antidote
- Awakening
- Banana
- Berry Juice
- Burn Heal
- Calcium
- Carbos
- Casteliacone
- Clever Wing
- Coffee
- Elixir
- Energy Powder
- Energy Root
- Ether
- Fancy Meal
- Fresh Water
- Full Heal
- Full Restore
- Gender Stone
- Genius Wing
- Golden Banana
- Heal Powder
- Health Wing
- HP Up
- Hyper Potion
- Ice Heal
- Iron
- Lava Cookie
- Lemonade
- Max Elixir
- Max Ether
- Max Potion
- Max Revive
- Muscle Wing
- Positions
- Super position
- Hyper positions
- Max position
- Full restore
- Antidotes
- Burn heals
- Ice heals
- Paralyze heals
- Full heals
- Revives
- Max-revives
- Ether and elixir
- Oran barries
- Sitrus barries
- Mooomo milk
- Lava cookies
Evolutionary Items
The evolutionary items are necessary tools in Pokémon Infinite Fusion that make our Pokémon team stronger and more advanced. allowing certain Pokémon to evolve into stronger or more advanced forms. These items play a crucial role in creating diversity and offering unique evolution for us. By acquiring and utilizing these items, trainers can easily build powerful Pokémon teams to face the challenges of the game. A detailed overview of evolutionary items is given below:
- Fire Stone
- Thunder stone
- Sun stone
- Water stone
- Leaf stone
- Moon stone
- Ice stone
- Dusk stone
- Shiny stone
- Magnet stone
- Metal coat
- Dragon scale
- Dubious Disc
- Everstone
Held Items
The held items are helpful in gaining various benefits during the adventure. It is a special item for fusion that enhances specific moves against enemies in battle. Unlike other items, held items activated automatically and provided advanced strategic planning. It is a held item list:
- Absorb Bulb
- Adamant Orb
- Adrenaline Orb
- Air Balloon
- Amulet Coin
- Assault Vest
- Big Root
- Binding Band
- Black Belt
- Black Glasses
- Black Sludge
- Blue Scarf
- Bright Powder
- Bug Gem
- Burn Drive
- Cell Battery
- Charcoal
- Chill Drive
- Choice Band
- Choice Scarf
- Choice specs
- Cleanse Tag
- Damp Rock
- Dark Gem
- Deep Sea Scale
- Deep Sea Tooth
- Destiny Knot
- Everstone
- Eviolite
- Fairy Gem
- Fighting Gem
- Fire Gem
- Ghost Gem
- Grass Gem
- Grassy Seed
- Green Scarf
Pokeballs are an interesting item in fusion games. It works for catching Pokemon in the game and also plays an important role in strategic planning. Almost there are 40 types of pokéballs in the game, including 15 original ones. Moreover, different PokéMarts are available in the Kanto and Johto regions and have a clerk who sells special Pokéballs and gems. All pokeballs have different functions, and by using these pokeballs, trainers can ensure diversity in making teams for battles. Some of the pokeball lists are here:
- Pokeballs
- Great balls
- Ultra ball
- Master ball
- Sifari balls
- Sports balls
- Net ball
- Dive ball
- Nest ball
- Repeat ball
- Timer ball
- Luxury ball
- Premier ball
- Dusk ball
- Heal ball
- Quick ball
- Fast ball
- Cherish ball
- Lure ball
- Heavy ball
- Love ball
- Friend ball
- Moon ball
- Gender ball
- Boost ball
- Ability ball
- Virus ball
- Glitter ball
- Perfect ball
- Toxic ball
- Pure ball
- Spark ball
- Fusion ball
- Rocket ball
Key Items
The Key Items in Pokémon Infinite Fusion are unique and multipurpose tools that help trainers progress throughout the game journey and explore new features or areas in the game. These items not only have a unique purpose but also cannot be consumed or discarded like other regular items. Some key items are used in fusion, while others are in exploration or interacting with the game world. Here are some key items on the list:
- Bicycle
- Town map
- Fusion incense
- Super splicer
- Poké Flute
- Old Rod, Good Rod, Super Rod
- Exp. Share
Battle Items
During the battle in the game, the trainer wants to boost their strength for better performance. So, the battle items play an important role in taking advantage of challenging situations. These items are specifically designed to increase power so they can move smoothly in the game. Here is a list of battle items:
- Ability Urge
- Beer
- Blue Flute
- Dire Hit
- Firecracker
- Fluffy Tail
- Guard Spec
- Hyper Dire Hit
- Item Drop
- Item Urge
- Latte
- Poke Doll
- Poke Toy
- Red Flute
- Reset Urge
- Super Dire Hit
- Tequila
- White Flag
- X Accuracy
- X Attack
- X Defence
- X Sp. Atk
- X Sp. Def
- X Speed
- XX Accuracy 2
- XX Attack 2
- XX Defense 2
- XX Sp. Atk. 2
- XX Sp. Def 2
Lures and Repels
Lures and repels are unique types of items in Pokémon Infinite Fusion that affect your interactions with wild Pokémon. Throughout your journey, you may manage and control wild Pokémon encounters with the use of these helpful tools. It also makes it easier to either hunt for specific Pokemon while exploring or moving around the game environment and stay away from unnecessary battles while exploring or traveling throughout the game world. The item list is given below:
- Repel
- Super Repel
- Max Repel
- Black Flute
- White Flute
- Honey
The barries are those items that are used for different purposes, like healing and boosting Pokemon naturally. In addition, it offers lots of benefits for this adventure travel and improves your enjoyment of the surroundings. You’ll find berries blooming on Berry Bushes throughout the game, and it is a single-use item. These items include:
- Aguav Berry
- Apicot Berry
- Aspear Berry
- Babiri Berry
- Belue Berry
- Bulk berry
- Charti Berry
- Cheri Berry
- Chesto Berry
- Chilan Berry
- Chople Berry
- Coba Berry
- Colbur Berry
- Cornn Berry
- Custap Berry
- Durin Berry
- Enigma Berry
- Figy Berry
- Ganlon Berry
- Grepa Berry
- Haban Berry
- Hondew Berry
- Iapapa Berry
- Jaboca Berry
- Kasib Berry and many more.
Apricorns Items
Crafting new and unique pokeballs is the function of Apricorn items. These are special and correspond to a specific type of pokeball, and each pokeball is designed for a certain situation. It also offers alternate pokeballs. These items include:
- Black Apricorn
- Blue Apricorn
- Green Apricorn
- Pink Apricorn
- Red Apricorn
- White Apricorn
- Yellow Apricon
Mail is such an item in Pokemon Infinite Fusion that allows the trainer to send messages to other in-game characters or Pokemon. Players can collect different types of mail in the game. It is beneficial in connecting with other Pokemon users. This feature in the game is really helpful to improve their trading and communication.
Other Items
The Pokemon Infinite Fusion game provides more complex experiences and enables trainers to customize their journey in a number of ways. These items play a supporting role for the trainer and make the journey easier by completing levels successfully. It makes a higher defense system for Pokemon in battle.