The Johto region is shown in the image.

Update about Johto Region in Pokemon Infinite Fusion

The Johto region in Pokemon Infinite Fusion has different locations to explore. It contains routes, Pokémon, legendary Pokemon, caves, and locations. You will get unique items here. You will experience different fusion combinations. You have to use new strategies here because the gym leaders and Elite Four are much more advanced than the Kanto region from the earlier phase. Story progression goes along with region quests.


Johto is famous region in pokemon fusion game that becomes accessible after exploring Kanto. In this blog, I have unfolded all the routes, cities, quests, gym leaders, and Elite Four to provide you with a guide to excel in the game. You will get an idea of which cities and gym leaders you’ll encounter on your journey to becoming the champion.

Johto Region in Pokemon Infinite Fusion Overview

Here is complete overview on Johto region for our lovely users:

  • Routes in Johto
  • Cities and Towns
  • Legendary Pokemon
  • Gym Leaders
  • Elite Four
  • Champion

Routes in Johto

Here, you will find a summary of the routes from 29 to 46. These routes connect the cities with other locations. A simple and short description of the routes is provided.

  • Route 29: You start your journey here and head to Cherrygrove City.
  • Route 30: You meet wild Pokémon and trainers as you move forward.
  • Route 31: This leads to Violet City, where you will challenge your first gym.
  • Route 32: A new route where you will find more Pokémon and trainers.
  • Route 33: This connects Azalea Town to Route 34.
  • Route 34: A route with many wild Pokémon and the Day Care Center.
  • Route 35: A long path where you will face trainers and catch new Pokemon.
  • Route 36: A route with many wild Pokémon and a hidden item.
  • Route 37: This leads to Ecruteak City, where you will find wild Pokémon.
  • Route 38: A route that connects to Goldenrod City and has many wild Pokemon.
  • Route 39: This path leads to Olivine City, filled with trainers.
  • Route 40: A seaside route that leads to the west of Olivine City.
  • Route 41: A water route that leads to the Johto Safari Zone.
  • Route 42: This route leads to Mahogany Town.
  • Route 43: This connects to the Ice Path, where you will find the last gym.
  • Route 44: A quiet route near the Ice Path and Mahogany Town.
  • Route 45: This route leads to Blackthorn City.
  • Route 46: A route where you find wild Pokémon.

Cities and Towns

You can find a guide to the various cities and towns in this region. All the cities have unique adventures. Gamers feel an electrifying effect while passing through these cities. Let’s take a closer look at each of them individually.

  • New Bark Town: This is where your journey starts. You begin with a Pokemon in this town.
  • Cherrygrove City: A peaceful town where you get a helpful Pokemon Center. 
  • Violet City: This is where you will challenge your first gym with a flying-type gym leader.
  • Azalea Town: A small town with a Bug-type gym leader and a strange and thick forest.
  • Goldenrod City: The largest city in Johto, where you will see many shops and the third gym.
  • Ecruteak City: A city full of history and the ghost-type gym leader.
  • Cianwood City: A beach town where you will battle a fighting-type gym leader.
  • Olivine City: A port town with a powerful steel-type gym leader.
  • Mahogany Town: A small town with an Ice-type gym leader and a hidden and strange mystery.
  • Blackthorn City: The final city where you will battle against the Dragon-type gym leader.

Legendary Pokemon

Legendary Pokemon add power to your fused Pokemon. They are harder to find and are only available in tough and hidden locations. Finding them can reward you with powerful moves and abilities. The list of legendary Pokemon in the Johto region is as follows:

  • Raikou
  • Entei
  • Suicune
  • Lugia
  • Ho-oh
  • Celebi

Gym Leaders

The gym leaders of this region have many strong abilities. They have powerful Pokemon that can only be defeated by stronger Pokemon. Trainers must have powerful Pokémon to defeat them. Let’s have a look at the gym leaders of the region.

  • Falkner (Violet City): A Flying-type Gym Leader. He uses Pidgey and other flying Pokémon.
  • Bugsy (Azalea Town): A Bug-type Gym Leader. He uses Bug Pokémon like Scyther.
  • Whitney (Goldenrod City): A Normal-type Gym Leader. She will be tough, with a famous Miltank.
  • Morty (Ecruteak City): A Ghost-type Gym Leader. He uses ghost Pokémon like Gengar.
  • Chuck (Cianwood City): A Fighting-type Gym Leader. He uses strong Fighting Pokémon like Poliwrath.
  • Jasmine (Olivine City): A steel-type gym leader. She uses Steel Pokémon like Steelix.
  • Pryce (Mahogany Town): An Ice-type Gym Leader. He uses Ice Pokémon like Piloswine.
  • Claire (Blackthorn City): A Dragon-type Gym Leader. She uses Dragon Pokémon like Dragonair.

Elite Four

The Elite Four are highly dangerous in this region. Their Pokemon have great stats, moves, and abilities. Here is the following description:

  • Will: A psychic-type Elite Four member. He uses powerful psychic Pokemon like Xatu.
  • Koga: A poison-type Elite Four member. He uses poison Pokemon like Weezing.
  • Bruno: A Fighting-type Elite Four member. He uses Fighting Pokemon like Hitmonchan.
  • Karen: A Dark-type Elite Four member. She uses Dark Pokémon like Umbreon.


This is the final battle between you and the Champion of the Johto region. The Champion is a Dragon-type trainer who can create a lot of trouble for you. It would help if you had Pokémon that can counter Dragon-type moves. Here is a brief detail about the champion:

  • Lance: The Champion of Johto. He is a Dragon-type trainer and uses powerful Dragon Pokémon like Dragonite.


In this post tell us about the Johto region that comes with double the adventure. The routes are full of tough Pokemon for you. The game becomes quite interesting and full of puzzles. You will see strange locations and solve many mysteries. No doubt, the Johto region contains nostalgia for classic game lovers. It will take you back to the memories of regions from the classic game. Playing in the Johto region keeps you more engaged in the game.

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