With grey background and title evolution of pokemon is shown in the image.

Is the Evolution of Pokemon in Infinite Fusion? (Answered)

The evolution of Pokemon is an interesting feature in the Pokemon world. The fused Pokemon can evolve easily, but the process is a little bit different from the main game.


Pokemon Infinite Fusion has captured the minds of players due to its unique fusion mechanism. This game offers endless possibilities to create new Pokémon by using different strategies. Players select two Pokémon that they want to fuse. The first Pokemon determines the body, while the second determines the head. The new hybrid Pokemon has different stats and abilities, which are calculated based on the combined attributes of the two Pokemon. Basically, a fused Pokemon is the combination of two Pokémon, and they have inherited evolutionary lines. 

Some Popular Fusion Evolutions

Here, for better understanding to the user, the fusion and evolution mechanisms are presented step by step in detail:

First of all, the player fused Pokemon with other Pokemon, like Charmander, who has fire-type traits and other Pokémon. Dratini has a dragon-type ability, and when they fuse, they will specify that they have strong stats, abilities, and moves from both Pokemon. Now the evolution term, the fused pokemon will evolve when base pokemon touch individually evolutionary line:

  • Charmander will evolve at level 16 into Charmeleon.The fused Pokemon always evolve in stages, with each evolution significantly altering its stats, appearance, and moves.
  • And Dratini will evolve into Dragonair at level 30. The interesting thing is that in the final stage, the fusion will combine Charizard’s fire/flying traits with Dragonite’s dragon/flying traits, creating a strong hybrid with more power and strong moves.

Another example of fusing Charmander with a Pokémon that needs an evolutionary stone, like Eevee, is that you must use the right item to start the evolution process of the other part of the fusion. So simply, fused Pokemon develop in parallel with their separate parts, one by one, until they both attain their ultimate evolutionary forms. Infinite Fusion enables highly strategic hybrids by fusing the flaming might of Charmander with the distinctive characteristics of another Pokemon.

Types of Evolution

There are some types of evolution in the game:

  • Level-based evolution
  • Stone- or item-based evolution
  • Trade-based evolution
  • Friendship-based evolution

Level-Based Evolutions

In level-based evolution, the parts of fused Pokemon evolve at separate, separate levels. When leveled up, the stats, moves, and appearance do update, like Bulbasaur evolving into Ivysaur and Squirtle into Wartortle at 16 levels.

Stone- or Item-Based Evolution

In this type of evolution, you have to have some evolutionary items like stones. For example, Pikachu evolves into Raichu when he gains thunderstone. What type of stone is needed in the evolving process? The kind of stone needed for evolution is based upon the Pokémon being evolved. Every Pokémon requires a particular stone in order to begin evolving. As many types of stones are found in the game, like water stone, leaf stone, thunder stone, fire stone, and many more.

Trade-Based Pokemon

Some Pokémon evolve when we trade (meaning exchanging Pokémon with other trainers). If one part of the game is trade-based, then you will trade Pokémon. For example, Machoke evolves when it trades.

Friendship-Based Evolutions

It is very engaging in the Pokemon Infinite World, where fused Pokémon have a strong bond with trainers; the evolving will be reachable at certain levels. For this purpose, you should focus on friendship level with fused Pokémon.For example, Eevee, evolves into Espeon when you raise your friendship in the game.

Evolution of Pokemon Legendary

Legendary Pokemon don’t evolve, as many legendaries have no evolutionary items. For example, if you fuse Articuno (a legendary) with Charmander, then Articuno will remain the same in its forms as it does not evolve. But Charmander evolves into Charmeleon, then Charizard. But the interesting thing for the user is that this fusion makes strong hybrid creations for battle use.

Tips for Evolving Fused Pokemon

  • Always do proper planning before fusing, as both Pokémon will evolve and complement each other in terms of stats and abilities.
  • Use your creative mind for evolving purposes; evolutionary and held items can open the door for creativity. Try different Pokémon that have different items. Don’t hesitate to do new experiments..
  • When you plan, make sure both components maintain a consistent power level. If you want extreme-level fun in the game, then try a different combination, if it doesn’t work, try another pairing.

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