Different level of karma in pokemon infinite fusion is shown in the image.

Karma in Pokemon Infinite Fusion (2025)

Karma, basically is a hidden value in the game that affects your ability to encounter certain Legendary Pokemon.


Karma in Pokemon Infinite Fusion is basically a way to describe a hero’s moral system—whether the hero has positive thoughts or negative thoughts in their mind. Karma depends on the hero’s actions during the game. If the hero performs good actions, their power will increase. However, if the hero does something wrong or ignores morals, their karma will decrease. Good actions increase karma in Pokemon Infinite Fusion.

your spritual power will increase if you play the game in a fully lawful way. Here are 3 examples that show how karma can rise through positive actions: Giving the Right Directions to the Tourist: Helping the tourist by showing them the correct direction in the Johto region sends a positive signal, raising your karma.

How does karma in Pokemon Infinite Fusion Increased?

The karma is increased by doing the following activities:

  • Completing Quests: Completing tasks during your journey will significantly increase your karma, keeping it at its peak.
  • Helping NPCs: Assisting NPCs creates a positive impact on their minds. For example, saving the workers in Silph Co. will make them see you as a hero.
  • Admitting to Mistakes: If you commit a mistake, like stealing an egg at the Goldenrod Daycare, admitting it will increase your karma. This shows a humane and honest attitude.

Bad Actions Decrease karma

Here are some examples that show how karma decreases if you don’t act properly in the game: Betraying: If the player engages in unfair trading, like trading your Eevee for an Elekid during the Celadon City event while walking Eevee, it is a clear act of deception. This will negatively impact your kerma and make it go down. The following activities decrease the kerma:

  • Not Completing Quests: If the player fails to complete tasks and quests in the game, their Karma will decrease.
  • Ignoring NPCs: Ignoring NPCs is a major mistake and prevents karma from increasing. You must help them. For example, not helping the tourist results in lower karma.
  • Demolishing Sandcastles: Destroying sandcastles will significantly lower your karma.
  • Taking Money from the Wigglytuff Busker: Taking money from the Wigglytuff Busker is a selfish action and reduces your karma. It shows a lack of generosity and will result in a low karma score.

High Karma Values

The following numeric values indicate high morale:

  • 51 or more: At this value, you are acting as a pure soul. You become a symbol of honesty and a savior for others.
  • 31 to 50: You are always eager to do the right thing. This value shows that you are consistently keen to complete tasks and make good decisions.
  • 11 to 30: You make good decisions and do good things, but you could do better. There is room for improvement in your actions.
  • 1 to 10: It shows that you do good, but your intentions are not always pure. You have some negative vibes inside you.

Low Karma Values

These numeric indicate low kerma:

  • Below -20: This means you are full of negativity. You lack kind thoughts for others and are driven by evil intentions and poor choices. At this level, you engage in actions like stealing eggs, harming NPCs, and joining Team Rocket.
  • -20 to -11: This value indicates that while you are not entirely bad, you often make poor choices. You tend to avoid important tasks and quests, which reflects your lack of responsibility.
  • -10 to 1: At this level, you have both good and bad feelings coexisting. Your decisions are a mix of right and wrong, such as avoiding helping NPCs even when they need assistance.
  • 0 (neutral): At this stage, you neither present yourself as a good person nor a bad one. You lack the traits of both personalities and remain in a neutral state.

How Do I Determine the Karma in Hero?

There is no status bar or numerical value provided to show how much karma you have. Instead, your karma level is revealed through two indicators:

  1. The old woman’s dialogue in Ecruteak City.
  2. The floor color of the room where the old woman is standing.

The old woman’s dialogue in Ecruteak City

The old woman’s comments will reveal your intentions and highlight your current karma score. Here, we provide her comments and explain how they reflect your karma level:

  • Below -20 (Very Low Karma): You seem like a very mean person. You have a lot of anger in your heart.”
  • This indicates extremely low karma and negative actions in the game.
  • -20 to -11 (low karma): You don’t strike me as a particularly good person.”
  • Indicates low karma with poor choices and avoided responsibilities.
  • -10 to -1 (slightly low karma): You strike me as someone who can be a bit mean-spirited sometimes but still generally well-intentioned.”
  • Indicates a blend of good and bad actions.
  • 0 (Neutral Karma): You strike me as a very neutral person. Neither good nor bad.”
  • Shows a balanced kerma situation.
  • 1 to 10 (Slightly Positive Karma): You strike me as someone who generally tries to do the right thing, but your heart isn’t completely pure either.”
  • Indicates mostly good actions with minor negative thoughts. Indicates mostly positive actions with occasional negative thoughts.
  • 11 to 30 (moderate positive karma): You strike me as someone who generally tries to do the right thing, but you could also do a bit more.”
  • Reflects consistent good deeds with room for improvement.
  • 31 to 50 (High Karma): You strike me as someone who tries their hardest to always do the right thing.”
  • Shows a strong desire to help others.
  • 51 or More (Very High Karma): You seem like you’re very pure of heart and always willing to help the ones in need.”
  • Shows a pure soul and a perfect moral character.

The Floor Colour of the Room

When you enter the room and start talking to the old woman, you will notice that the color of the floor changes. The color can change from red to dark orange, beige, light green, light blue, or blue. This room serves as a common indicator of the hero’s karma value. Here, we provide you with the complete scenario of that color scheme of the room:

  • Floor Color: Red
  • This shows very low karma; it indicates you have a negative heart.
  • Floor Color: Dark Orange
  • It shows some bad actions but not severe ones.
  • Floor Color: Light Orange
  • It suggests a mixture of good and bad.
  • Floor Color: Beige
  • Shows a neutral position.
  • Floor Color: Light Green
  • Indicates slightly positive karma. Here, you try to surpass the negativity.
  • Floor Color: Green
  • Reflects a perfect, positive karma level, with many good actions and intentions.
  • Floor Color: Light Blue
  • Shows a high level of karma, indicating a strong desire to do good deeds.
  • Floor Color: Blue
  • This represents very high karma, showing that you are a pure-hearted person.


Karma deeply affects the personalities of players. It shows how moral they are inside. All of these things are discussed in the post in great detail. Players can choose between good and bad actions. Karma indicates how one is internally driven. Both low and high karma lead to some interesting encounters. For example, low karma brings Pokemon like Darkrai for encounters, while high karma brings the legendary Pokémon Mew for battles. To conclude, we can say that karma in Pokemon Infinite Fusion also impacts the minds of gamers in choosing right or wrong in the game. It reflects the moral system within the gamers.

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