The Cerulean City of Kanto Region in pokemon fusion game is shown.

Cerulean City of Kanto Region

Hello and welcome to the city of Cerulean in the Kanto region! This city is full of adventure, and like other cities, you will encounter Pokémon, trainers, and a gym leader here as well. In this article, we will unfold all the details about the Pokémon, items, trainers, and special quests.


Pokemon Infinite Fusion is a fan-made game that brings unlimited opportunities to create two Pokémon into new forms. After exploration of Pewter City, Cerulean City is unlocked


The city is located at the center of the Kanto region. Many other cities are connected to it through several routes. We will provide you with all the details about these routes and also tell you which cities are connected to them through them:

Route 4

Route 4 connects this city to Mt. Moon and Route 3. As you leave Mt. Moon, you arrive on the western side of the Cerulean area. Route 4 is famous for its wild Pokémon. You will also get many hidden items here.

Route 5

To the south of Cerulean lies Route 5. It connects Cerulean with Vermilion City and Saffron City. Here, you will also find the Daycare Center, where you can leave your Pokémon for training.

Route 9

Route 9 takes you to the Rock Tunnel. This route is full of hurdles and tough battles. Trainers are waiting for you, ready to give you a hard time.

Route 24 and Route 25

To the north of Cerulean lies this route. It will take you to Nugget Bridge and Bill’s Cottage. Be cautious, as you will encounter many wild Pokemon along the way.

Pokemon Found in Cerulean

Players will encounter several wild Pokémon while traveling through the routes around Cerulean. We have divided the Pokémon based on the routes where you can find them. Let’s take a look at them:

In the route 4, you will get these pokemons:

  • Sandshrew (Ground)
  • Spearow (Normal/Flying)
  • Ekans (Poison) [Version Exclusive]

Route 5 is best for getting this pokemons:

  • Meowth (Normal)
  • Pidgey (Normal/Flying)
  • Oddish (Grass/Poison)

In route 24 and 25, you can get these pokemons:

  • Abra (Psychic)
  • Bellsprout (Grass/Poison)
  • Venonat (Bug/Poison)

While fishing, you can catch Water-type Pokemon such as Magikarp and Goldeen.

Trainers in Cerulean

In the north of Cerulean, on Nugget Bridge, players will encounter five trainers and a Rocket Grunt who is waiting to challenge you. Make sure to have strong Pokémon in your bag and healing items so you can easily defeat them.

Cerulean Gym

In the center of the city, there is Cerulean Gym. This gym is led by Misty. To challenge Misty, you need to defeat all the gym trainers. Misty uses Water-type Pokemon. Her Pokemon include Starmie and Staryu, which are extremely dangerous. They will use their powerful Water-type moves. After defeating Misty, you will earn the Cascade badge. Try to use Electric and Grass-type Pokemon to counter her Water-type Pokemon.

Special Tasks in Cerulean

This gym also offers special tasks. These are explained one by one:

  • Bill’s Quest: On Route 25, head to Bill’s Cottage and help him with his experiment. This will reward you with a ticket for the S.S. Anne.
  • Team Rocket Event: After defeating Misty, investigate the backyard of a house in the city to find a Rocket Grunt. Defeating him rewards you with TM45 (Thunder Wave).

Unique Features of Cerulean City

Some unique features of this city:

  • Cerulean Cape: It is a beautiful area where you can get information about fusions. This might help you defeat the powerful leaders and trainers. This area is located near Bill’s Cottage.
  • Bike Shop: Purchase a bike to move faster on the map. This will help you cover long distances in no time.
  • Daycare Access: On Route 5, the Daycare Center plays an important role in leveling up your Pokémon. Here, your Pokemon will receive training and become more powerful.

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