The saffron city of pokemon infinite fusion is shown in the image.

Saffron City in Pokemon Infinite Fusion (v6.3) | A Complete Guide

Saffron is one of the radiant cities of the Pokemon world. In this blog, we will cover all the activities players will experience, how they can enter Saffron City, how they will battle Gym Leader Sabrina, and which Pokemon they can find here. 


Saffron City is a reflection of Japan’s major cities, like Tokyo. The presence of the Silph Co. corporation in this city showcases the significance of Japan’s technological advancement. You will have a fabulous journey in this city of Saffron, just like you encounter in Pokemon FireRed. After passing through Cerulean, Vermilion, and Celadon City, you enter this city of adventure. Getting into the city is not as simple as you think because thirty guards are there to block your entry. Offer them the tea from the old woman that you got in the Celadon Mansion of Celadon City. After giving them tea, they will allow you to start your journey in the city of fun, Saffron. 

Key Locations

 In Saffron, you will see many wonderful locations, discussed below: 

Saffron City Gym

Saffron Gym is famous for its gym leader, Sabrina. She is dominant over Psychic-type Pokemon, so it is important to team up with Bug-type and Dark-type Pokémon, as they are stronger against Psychic-type Pokemon.

Saffron City Gym Puzzle

The puzzle in the Saffron Gym is a little bit tricky. The gym offers teleportation pads that transport you to different areas of the gym. You need to figure out the right path to reach Sabrina. During your quest, the teleporters will transport you to different trainers, so be prepared to battle them as well. After reaching Sabrina’s place, challenge her for the Marsh Badge.

Silph Co. Building

Silph Co. is the main headquarters of the Saffron Corporation. It is situated in the heart of the city of Saffron. Silph Co. is surrounded by Team Rocket. You can unlock access to Silph Co. by defeating Team Rocket’s leader, Giovanni. Once you have defeated Team Rocket, you will be able to enter the Silph Co. building. 

Pokemon Available in Saffron City

This city offers a variety of Pokémon as well. Let’s take a detailed look at them one by one:

  • Abra: You get Abra in Saffron, which is a psychic-type Pokemon that later evolves into Kadabra and eventually into Alakazam. It is a psychic-type Pokémon combination that will strengthen your defense. 
  • Machop: You get the Fighting-type Pokemon Machop in this city as well, which evolves into Machoke. It will really help you fight against the trainers. In Pokémon FireRed, you must get the card key to unlock the doors in Silph Co. The card key is necessary to defeat Team Rocket and pass through all the doors.

 Other Notable Locations and Tasks in Saffron City Card Key

In Pokemon FireRed, you must get the card key to unlock the doors in Silph Co. The card key is necessary to defeat Team Rocket and pass through all the doors. You can get the card key by defeating the members of Team Rocket who are surrounding Silph Co. After getting the key, you can unlock the doors to reach the location of Sabrina. 

Mr. Psychic’s House

In Mr. Psychic’s house, you will meet a man who will give you TM29, which is a powerful Psychic-type move. It is a powerful move for Sabrina, who is also very strong. This move will really increase your power and will help you win against Sabrina and other Pokemon.

Fighting Dojo

In this City, you will fight at the Fighting Dojo, where you’ll face various Fighting-type Pokemon. Defeating the dojo leader will reward you with a choice between two Fighting-type Pokemon: Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. Each of them has its own unique strengths—Hitmonlee specializes in high attack and speed with its kicking moves, while Hitmonchan is known for its variety of elemental punches.

Where to Go After Saffron City in Pokemon Infinite Fusion ?

After fighting with Team Rocket and Sabrina, you will enter Lavender Town, where a new series of adventures will begin. Here, you will encounter the Pokemon Tower, a spooky and mysterious location.The tower is full of challenges, making your adventure even more exciting as you explore the town and uncover its secrets.


Suquirtlebottle is a key item in Pokemon Infinite Fusion used for Sudowoodo Pokemon. The Sudowoodo blocks the path on Route 36, and it is a tree-like Pokemon. You can obtain it through battle and catch it by using a pokeball. And remember, this is the only way to clear the path and continue your journey.

Basically, it follows the traditional Nuzlocke rule and makes the Pokemon infinite fusion more challenging. Some rules are here:

  • First Encounter Rule
  • Nickname Rule
  • Forced Fusion Rule (Optional)
  • Dupes Clause (Optional)
  • Shinies Clause
  • No Healing Items in Battle (Optional Hard Mode)
  • Level Cap (Optional Hardcore Mode)
  • If You White Out, The Run is Over

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